OpenRA - Generals Alpha - AI Only Game with Generals

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May 11, 2020 at 10:57
Posted by moby3012
Generals Alpha is a mod i'm working on. For begginning, i'm planning to remake Generals as much as possible on OpenRA, using graphics from RA and TD.

It has been a while since last time i uploaded an update video. Some stuff has been changed since.

It is not enabled by default, but i have been working on Generals. They are pretty incomplete right now. Most complete one is Laser General (only laser turret is missing), most incomplete one is Demolation General (only has Demo Jarmen Kell). I couldn't manage to make a good icon for Toxin General, so it is lacking one for now. There is a world.yaml on the discord page if you wanna test the generals out.

Now the cash is drained when you queue, as in the original, not slowly during the production. You can no longer queue something if you don't have cash to produce it.

Also upgrade queues, like Drones, Overlord, Helix, Cold Fusion Reactor, Camo Netting no longer allows you to queue more than 1, trying to do so will play "Unable to Comply, Building in Progress". Which is something you never hear in OpenRA.

MiG and Raptor now has AA.

You can repair helicopters on Airfields.

As noted by a lot of people, vision ranges were pretty low. That was because i was using the wrong value from the original game's inis. I have fixed them and stuff now has pretty high vision ranges as in the original game.

Spectator mode now uses the UI made by SoScared and Rob-v. It fits better for my mod as it has overlapping for multipile instances of same unit and don't leave spaces for queues that aren't building anything. It wasn't possible to see much with the original Spectator UI becuase of the high amount of queues in the mod.

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