Recent content by Kiswa

  1. Shatabrick now with RA3 support

    Thanks guys :) I'm not quite understanding what you mean with 2 years too late? I mean..back then battlecast was still there, site showed smurfs, cncboards did an absolutely awesome job and there was a little corner called I'd like to think the new...
  2. Shatabrick now with RA3 support

    Hey All, wenn ich in deutch schreibe mach ich ein groszes ars von mich... so i'm just gonna do this in english :) I've finished the RA3 support on shatabrick. For those of you who don't know shatabrick: It's sort of a player crawler which collects information from various sources and tries to...
  3. :-) yes i did

    :-) yes i did
  4. News Ein alter Bekannter | Relaunch von Shatabrick!

    Hey Rove, Interesting, how exactly was uf connected to cncboards? Cheers
  5. shatabrick is dead?

    ist aber keine unsinn seraph, nuhr 'werdens aber nicht' stimmt vielleicht nicht ;-)
  6. "Not-Wanted" top 100 DC

    i'll show you some spam soon, so you can see how annoying it is. After that you tell me if spam still doesnt deserve a ban... Kind regards
  7. Parcias maphacker

    more replays can be downloaded here
  8. Maximus1 Maphack

    I watched the replay, hoping not to find maphack, but sadly this one is a clear maphack, beyond any doubt. Thats just too bad maximus. We've played several fun games and i watched those replays too, you didnt maphack in those.
  9. Toyboy mit seltsamem Cheat

    i've asked for priority serialbans, kanes wrath & tiberium wars. I didnt know the handicap hack altered build times too, i thought it only altered the hp of units and such. Anyway, handicap hack is not publicly available as far as i know, so he probably payed a few $ for it. edit: 2poc is...
  10. leicht komischer acc

    dudes, relax rt0000t (tw) or r00t (kw) or rar000t (ra3) is an Apoc's Army bot. It has some awesome statistics functions too (like the good old !STATS thing). (screenshot)
  11. top 10 DCer tiberiumsaviour

    he already received a serialban in april 2009, doesnt show serialban info though, the real aa site does ;-)
  12. wieder ein FAKE REPLAY

    Bandito is correct good hunting dude!
  13. MrNiceGuy MAPHACKER 100%

    I dont ban anyone, i just give my opinion and/or technical evidence. There is no solid evidence in this case. Like i stated in my first msg 'I think'. But if enough (eala or apoc army) people think the same, it will get you banned. I dont know what will happen though but can't YOU understand...
  14. MrNiceGuy MAPHACKER 100%

    I guess im a complete epic fail then. Either you cheated, or it's a one in a million coincendence. You disconnected on me several times in the past, why should you get the benefit of the doubt?
  15. MrNiceGuy MAPHACKER 100%

    I watched the replay and i think it's confirmed you maphacked. You beaconed twice, the first is probably like you said, the second beacon is clearly to warn Totally_on_fire for the apc you saw through the shroud. I kinda expected this.... you disconnected on me a copple of times in automatch...
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