Search results

  1. I do realize that some of the stuff I posted here was relatively pointless.

    Just like seemingly random stuff. I'm sorry. I'll try to post better stuff in the future.
  2. What if we had forums in the 1990s?

    Nonsense, I used 56k on modern boards, and it worked fine.
  3. username change

    Yes, if you don't recall, I had problems changing my login name there, which was the same as it is here.
  4. username change

    Joke reply?
  5. username change

    I named this account a long time ago after my ex-girlfriend tabitha who made her account on Xbox Live "tabby1gamer", and so I made mine kevin1gamer, but that was so long ago, plz change it to: ILoveSky
  6. What if we had forums in the 1990s?

    Yeah but you live in Germany, here in America we have better technology. Back in the 1990s us Americans had 56k, and later on DSL, cable, and fiber-optics.
  7. Allow bigger signatures?

    It's not the size, it's how you use it.
  8. What if we had forums in the 1990s?

    Okay, now just imagine if they had modern 21st century forums in the 1990s, like IPB, phpBB, vBulletin, myBB, and others. I do realize that they had message boards back in the 1990s, and that they are the successors to bulletin boards, but in the 1990s they primarily consisted of one long list...
  9. Why I'm losing faith in Blizzard.

    I've been a huge Blizzard fan for the better part of the decade, atleast the last 6-7 years. I own all Blizzard games released since Diablo, except for the World of Warcraft expansion packs. I admit, I don't pay for a World of Warcraft account, because I find it to be just okay, and I'd much...
  10. Metro 2033

    Thanks, and yeah, I'm going to change it now.
  11. Metro 2033

    I have written my second video game review, this one is about Metro 2033, a post-apocalyptic first-person action RPG by 4A Games. You can read my review via the URL below:
  12. What classes are you taking next year?

    For those of you in high school, or junior high school, what classes are you taking next year (assuming you aren't a senior and are graduating this year). I just registered for my senior year today, and these are the classes I'm taking next year: Tech Algebra II I don't have to take this...
  13. Meet the Librarians

    Don't you just hate it when you're in post-apocalyptic Moscow and giant mutated gorillas attack you?
  14. site was down earlier

    Anyone else have that problem?
  15. An American here you've probably never heard of.

    Most of you probably haven't even heard of Swede Momsen. Swede Momsen was an American hero and genius. He is also sort of an iconic figure to me. If you want to know about him, I suggest you read The Terrible Hours by Peter Maas. It's my favorite book of all time and I highly recommend it. You...
  16. a suggestion for the forums

    fuckin eh
  17. What are you going to be when you graduate high school?

    It is said that most people have atleast 5-6 occupations throughout the course of their life, what do you want to spend your life on, or are considering? I'm considering the following: video game designer I've already created a video game, a Star Trek fan-game, perhaps you've heard of it, Star...
  18. PC FPS games are different from console FPS games

    For a while now, I've noticed that PC first-person shooters are a lot different from console first-person shooters. I'm not talking about graphics wise, but rather gameplay wise and by their look and feel. Below I'll put some screenshots comparing PC FPS games to console FPS games. I do not own...
  19. a suggestion for the forums

    Ah, but zeppelins are an integral part of German history, don't you think it deserves the honor of it's own forum on a German site?
  20. a suggestion for the forums

    Pardon me, but could you please add a forum about zeppelins? For if one were to feel compelled to discuss zeppelins, one would more-definitely than not, enjoy discussing the various aspects of zeppelin. Might I suggest you add some sub-forums of the soon-to-be zeppelin forum as well? These...
  21. My first video game review

    My calculations must have been off, I added them all up using calculator and divided by how many there were and got a seven.
  22. GameCrush

    I lol'd so hard. It's a site where guys pay girls money to play video games with them. The tagline is hilarious too, it's "be a player". However, I suppose if I didn't have an amazing girlfriend, was lonely, and didn't already have tons of real-life friends that are girl gamers, I might have...
  23. My first video game review

    Stinks? A billion words in the English language, and the worst you can come up with is stinks?
  24. My first video game review

    Please tell me what you think of my first video game review:
  25. You must construct additional Ultralisks.

    Well if he was going to nuke, I could always just move them out of the way.
  26. Singleplayer oder Multiplayer

  27. I was bored and decided to make a survey.

    I was bored and decided to make an online survey. It's not very long, you can take it if you want to, the URL is below.
  28. ???????????????????????

  29. The best World War II game ever. I bought this game for like $2.00 new for PC like last year, and I still enjoy it. A lot of people still play it online, despite it being about 9 years old. p.s. Yes, you can play as the Nazis and kill Americans (in multiplayer, not single player)...
  30. This is where I'm taking my girlfriend 4 our 1 year anniversary

    Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?
  31. This is where I'm taking my girlfriend 4 our 1 year anniversary

    No, but I'm saving my money and getting a job.
  32. This is where I'm taking my girlfriend 4 our 1 year anniversary

    I think ahead. Far ahead.
  33. This is where I'm taking my girlfriend 4 our 1 year anniversary

    I met the girl of my dreams, and she feels the same way about me. We have been going out for about a month now.
  34. This is where I'm taking my girlfriend 4 our 1 year anniversary

    I'm going to surprise my girlfriend by taking her to the Millennium Hotel in St. Louis on our 1 year anniversary. It's going to be very expensive, but I'll save all my earnings from work for a while just to do this for her. The restaurant we will be dining at is at the very top of the tower...
  35. So I finally fixed my GameCube.

    So I just fixed my GameCube after having the disk reading error for about one and a half years, and here is a video I made of me testing it out, playing Geist on it. I am so glad I got it working again, it's alive! I also provided information in the video on how I fixed my GameCube so that it...
  36. Which of these should I install first?

    In der Tat, denn es wäre schade, wenn ich auf Französisch geschrieben hat, oder eine andere Sprache als Englisch entgegen, nicht wahr? Also, thanks for the suggestions everyone.
  37. Which of these should I install first?

    Over the course of about a year, I have downloaded a shitload (and yes, a shitload is a standardized unit of measurement) of freeware PC games. However, I never got around to installing any of them. Now I don't even know where to begin. Please recommend which of these I should install first...
  38. Second Life

    Why do you need a credit card or cell phone to join Second Life? I have neither.
  39. inorite

  40. I am underpowered

    Tiz a face, on a map, good job.
  41. Predators 2010

    I'm going to go see Predator 3 (aka: Predators) when it comes out in theaters, with my best friend. Her and I are both huge fans of the Alien-Predator universe. Is anyone else here going to see Predators?
  42. Your statement is grammatically incorrect.

    But the other ones are normal, so why put only the Soviet one in German?
  43. Perhaps we should have a Germanic ocassion?

    Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox Live, all of the people on this forum who have Modern Warfare 2 and an Xbox 360 play together in multiplayer. What do you say?
  44. Your statement is grammatically incorrect.

    This icon: :sowjet: says "Ra3 Sowjet" when it should say "RA3 Soviet" Same goes for this:
  45. K-PAX

  46. "beautiful signature"

    And I appreciate your appreciation of my appreciation.
  47. K-PAX

    I'm about to start watching one of my favorite movies of all time, K-PAX. I remember seeing K-PAX in theaters when it came out, it's hard to believe that was 9 years ago (2001). I now look back and can't help but think that these last 10 years have gone by so fast. I also can't help but think...
  48. Dreamcast 2 and Apple Game Console Petition

    Jaguar 2 Please sign the official petition for Atari to make an Atari Jaguar 2:
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