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  1. Sup ton2 noobs

    I dont know who zoom3000 is but that isnt me. noob
  2. Sup ton2 noobs

  3. Sup ton2 noobs

    I was also a top player cnc3. Is cnc3 still active?
  4. Sup ton2 noobs

    Ich bin gott
  5. Noch jemand der alten Garde aktiv?
  6. Attention tiberian sun fans

    Join us @ Will be working with PlayCNC as an affiliate soon to bring MP back in full force to TS, with a new server, Cp, tournaments, prizes etc. Register today ^
  7. the best ever the dach team

    schaf sucks
  8. tiberian sun get on ezekiel or carbonatx gogo

    tiberian sun get on ezekiel or carbonatx gogo
  9. 1on1_Ranked_AcTiOn_vs_scrinstar

    Never even knew this was here. I am scrinstar aka Chameleon from CNC3, only played for about 6 mths. No idea what this replay is or whats being said as I dont speak german. I take it I did a ST rush. :P
  10. Tiberian sun is now a free download!

  11. 1vs1?

    1vs1 TS newbs?
  12. Scorpi0n1

    Sorry I only know the little bit of german my grandma teaches me. My first language is English. Anyway, RA3 blows. Play TS!
  13. xwis nun vollkommen tot ?

    All of you guys LOGIN to TS
  14. Scorpi0n1

    Hi sc0prion1, I agree. Tiberian Sun IS the best RTS ever. EA games is not very good at making RTS games. I am not surprised you think Ra3 is terrible, because CNC:3 and Kanes Wrath were too. If you want to play TS again check out OR OR...
  15. No Dachschaf on KW?

    Schaf? KW? No? NEWB
  16. mit Support für alte C&C Titel?
  17. Cnc2 Ts > Cnc3 Tw

    TS suckas. GOGO 1vs1?
  18. dachschaf

    Schaf is back, he impressed me a lot. I beat him twice a while ago, and twice this month. He is still the best player to me, just rusty. Kapa and Megaf0rce are close.
  19. dachschaf

    It is dachschaf.
  20. Cnc2 Ts > Cnc3 Tw

    CNC3 sux, lets all play CNC2 again. If TibSun becomes active we can get patches and updates again from Strike-Team probably. RTS Classic!
  21. Alex0019

    Anyone know Alex0019's MSN?
  22. MODS banned from tournament ladders!!!

    Finally, XWIS has agreed to ban mods from counting towards the ladders starting in July. This means everyone will be competing on the same fair, official maps. I hope this also means more activity, competition and some old players returning for the summer.
  23. Oldschool TS...

    oldschool ts players should return to ts! ; )
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