Imagine Earth - Planetary Colonization

Apr 28, 2014

May I propose an unusual indie production? Imagine Earth is a strategy simulation with puzzle elements about planetary colonization. Various planets are waiting to be explored and populated. Will you lead your colony into perfection or desolation?


Your job as a colony manager is to build great cities and to provide supplies for your growing population by building power plants, farms and factories. It is your task to develop tech upgrades to cover the needs of your cities. Exploring the balance between growth and sustainability is the final challenge for every civilization.


You will soon encounter conflict between the profit goals of interstellar corporations and the need to preserve the living conditions for your people. You must then research for new energy sources and sustainable production lines to avoid the global climate collapse of your new home worlds.

"this environmentally-conscious title may very well prove to generate news in the months to come." - Zhetalee,

"The demo is quite charming... There's already evidence of a decent game"- Adam Smith, Rock, Paper, Shotgun

„Casual simulation does sound like a rather obvious contradiction in terms, but indie developers Serious Brothers seem to have somehow made it happen.“ – Gnome,

"This game is wonderful fun! Go and check this out for youself!"
- Kottabos,

"I can't help but be entranced by its depth and new features!"
- Vincent Paone,
Wie sich nun alle auf Planeten-Gameplay stürzen :D

Naja im Rahmen der Ankündigung von Universim sieht es leider nicht mehr soo toll aus.
Was ich, neben Pixelgrafik, auch nichtmehr sehen kann, ist so (Cell Shading) Comic Look. Minecraft und Borderlands waren ja noch ganz gut, n paar weitere auch, sonst kann man ja kaum von "nichtmehr sehen können" sprechen :D, aber das verbreitet sich ja wie Unkraut...
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