APM Spamthread

sovmir-just checking APM

Errh just checking apm of my 2nd day in the game(like yetserday(orthedaybefore):P) ..

where did the apmspamthread go ?:(

edit:lmao pretty bad ;(


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Dude, don`t worry about your APM. You don`t need much more than 88 to play RA3 properly.
Just checking APM -- Beta Replay

I'm not sure if I'm uploading this right. Can someone help me if this doesn't work properly? (Also feel free to delete the thread if you consider this spam.)


The beta replayparser was temporary disabled - sorry for any inconveniences.

It's up and running again. Have fun.

I will move the thread in the near future into our "kuschelecke" where our "APM-Replay-Spamthread" is.
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