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vor Jaaaaahren hat ich mal nen ziemlich lustiges Video auf Pro7 oder so gesehen, was mich aber schon irgendwie beeindruckt hat... hat dann auch die Runde gemacht in nem Tabletop Forums wo es um Space Marine geht

"Project Grizzly" war die Idee eines bekloppten Kanadiers (normal halt

YouTube - Troy Hurtubise: Project Grizzly
besonders die Szenen mit dem Baumstamm find ich sehr eindrucksvoll
Naja, aber praktikabel war das Ganze halt nicht so... einmal auf dem Rücken war man wie ein Käfer

aber jetzt nicht mehr °_°
"The Trojan" ist der neueste Streich von Troy Hurtubise und für das Militär gedacht

YouTube - Halo-like Body Armour Demonstration 2
YouTube - Troy Hurtubise II: Project Grizzly goes to war
hamilton spectator said:Inventor hopes to sell armour suit to the military
By Wade Hemsworth
The Hamilton Spectator
(Jan 11, 2007)
The grizzly man is back, and this time he's ready to take on bullets and bombs.
Troy Hurtubise, the Hamilton-born inventor who became famous for his bulky bear-protection suit by standing in front of a moving vehicle to prove it worked, has now created a much slimmer suit that he hopes will soon be protecting Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan and U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
He has spent two years and $15,000 in the lab out back of his house in North Bay, designing and building a practical, lightweight and affordable shell to stave off bullets, explosives, knives and clubs. He calls it the Trojan and describes it as the "first ballistic, full exoskeleton body suit of armour."
Using the hard-learned lessons of his Project Grizzly experience -- a 20-year odyssey that included a National Film Board documentary, an appearance on CNN and personal bankruptcy -- he's ready to start selling his newest idea.
Already, he says, the suit has stood up to bullets from high-powered weapons, including an elephant gun. The suit was empty during the ballistics tests, but he's more than ready to put it on and face live fire.
"I would do it in an instant," he said. "Bring it on."
Yesterday, he returned to Hamilton to show off the suit, hoping to generate some publicity that will get him the meetings he wants with military and police outfitters.
On Saturday, he plans to wear it to Nathan Phillips Square in downtown Toronto and wait for the reporters. It shouldn't take long to create a stir.
Hurtubise, 43, wore his suit -- helmet and all -- on the four-hour drive down south, partly as a way of making sure it would be comfortable enough in the field. Even sitting on his armoured butt cheeks, he said he was fine.
As he drove his black pickup in his black getup, other drivers gawked and honked. Just south of Huntsville, he was delighted to be pulled over and gave an apprehensive OPP officer a close-up look at the suit.
Once he established that he could see just fine in his helmet and that the guns attached to his magnetic holsters were just props, Hurtubise was free to continue his trip.
The whole suit -- which draws design inspiration from Star Wars, RoboCop, Batman and video games -- is made from high-impact plastic lined with ceramic bullet protection over ballistic foam.
Its many features include compartments for emergency morphine and salt, a knife and emergency light. Built into the forearms are a small recording device, a pepper-spray gun and a detachable transponder that can be swallowed in case of trouble.
Dangling between the legs, that would be a clock.
In the helmet, there's a solar-powered fresh-air system and a drinking tube attached to a canteen in the small of the back. A laser pointer mounted in the middle of the forehead is ready to point to snipers, while LED lights frame the face.
The whole suit comes in at 18 kilograms. It covers everything but the fingertips and the major joints, and could be mass-produced for about $2,000, Hurtubise says.
He said he hopes to earn enough of a living from the suit so he can keep on inventing, but the real reason he did this, he says, is "for the boys."
1up said:Wie 1up berichtet, hat sich ein gewisser Mann mit dem Namen Troy Hurtubise in den letzten beiden Jahren damit beschäftigt eine futuristische, MJOLNIR-ähnliche, Rüstung zu bauen. Inspiriert wurde er dabei unter anderem von Star Wars, RoboCop, Batman und Videospielen - vor allem Halo!
Bei der Rüstung handelt es sich jedoch keineswegs um eine gewöhnliche Fan Produktion ohne weitere Funktion. The Trojan, so heißt das gute Stück, schützt nämlich nicht nur vor Kugeln und Explosionen, sondern ist auch für scharfe Messer undurchdringbar und dämpft harte Aufpralle ab. Ganz im MJOLNIR-Stlye.
Zusätzlich sind noch etliche Spielereien und Features, wie zum Beispiel ein von Solarenergie betriebenes Frischluft-System, integriert. Doch was die Rüstung wirklich einzigartig macht ist, dass sie nur lächerliche 18 Kilogramm wiegt. Welche Materialien Hurtubise für den Bau des Meisterwerks verwendet hat, könnt ihr in dem Artikel nachlesen. Hurtubise ist sogar der Meinung, dass man "The Trojan" für 2000$ industriell herstellen könne und hofft, dass sie eines Tages von der US-Army eingesetzt wird. Ziemlich zuversichtlich, der gute Mann!
angeblich war der gute Mann (Der noch viel mehr ziemlich krasses Zeug erfunden hat, was so keiner für möglich gehalten hätte) schon ein oder zweimal Pleite und musste die Rüstungen bei Ebay verkaufen (nur wollte keiner die geforderte Summe bieten).. aber ichs sehs schon kommen - bald rennen lauter Master Chiefs hier rum

und mal ganz ehrlich: Die Exoskelette die die US-Army entwickelt hat (Testmodelle, noch ziemlich grob und groß alles

hätsch die Kohle würd ich mir son Teil kaufen (mal angenomen man könnt sowas kaufen irgendwann