EA_Tim gibt in einem Entwicklungsupdate die Veröffentlichungsdaten von C&C F2P bekannt. Alpha Patch am 28. Oktober. Closed-Beta Start am 25. November. Open-Beta am 24. Februar.

It’s been two months since the first public hands-on of Command & Conquer at Gamescom, and I know there are about 800,000 of you already lined up for the beta who are anxiously awaiting news!

We’ve been working hard to address alpha feedback, and I want to update you on our current targets:

  • Week of October 28th – Alpha update with Onslaught PvE mode, and loads of changes based on community feedback
  • Week of November 25th – Beginning of closed beta!
  • Week of February 24th – Launch


Many of you will start to receive codes in the weeks ahead – sincere thanks for your patience! This C&C is a live service, so there is no one version that will be final. It was difficult to decide the right moment to share our work, and there will always be some who want us to hold it longer, but I believe we will benefit from having your broader feedback in the beta.

The development team thanks you for your support so far, and looks forward to having you play C&C!



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