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  1. Rise of the Reds

    Is better than that piece of shit EA released in BETA, how do I hook up rise of the reds with my Origin Generals though?
  2. Play CNC online and free, classics
  3. Alpha CNC 2013 Gameplay

    Removed Spam entfernt
  4. Ignorelistspam

    No time for dat dere oxygen theifs!
  5. Command & Conquer 2013 ---- DLC Hitler?

    The team at told me via twitter the devs are looking at a DLC zombie Hitler as part of the first release of generals, would everyone be excited about that?
  6. Do we want navy?

    I know Generals 1 had no Navy and neither did ZH but this is a new game and it's simply called CNC 2013 are people interested in Navy though? Thought it added unique and exciting elements in RA3 but not sure how it would work in Generals. Assuming content is continuous I guess navy and water...
  7. How does the common man tolerate the EU?

    It's confusing for me. Elite gangsters of the ruling class eroding sovereignty of each country in it? Germany the only economy in the pack not in negative growth (you dun goof'd) Has being in the EU made you a better country? I don't understand it but I want to understand it? If you scratch...
  8. What do you expect in BETA phase?

    We know no replays I expect the game to be 980% finished, balance, and animations might not be right and more content etc to come but. It is late May now, June is the end of the 'first half of 2013' so BETA has to be coming in a month or less. I am unsure whether I am expecting too much or too...
  9. Can you sell your account?

    On ebay? You own it...You pay money and by funds for it...You spend the time...can you sell it? Top 200 accounts I have no interest in at the moment!
  10. How do I relocate to a new map section?

    It used to under options, and now it's not and I have spent 15 minutes trying to locate the button and failed...HELP
  11. How is the service being delivered

    I have heard in a few interviews the phenomenon of a concept called 'pay for convenience' and I have no idea what that means. If I pay will I get better servers, faster non lag gameplay, geographic region matching, priority in matchmaking? At the moment I believe we will download maybe 3-10...
  12. Lost Interest after Lost World?

    For 3 months everything was about the codes. Then there was another 3 or so months...the calm before the storm Then in 2 weeks or so the number 1 alliance attacked my Alliance (Number 2) and then we were beaten but still clear second and then I couldn't login without my base being toast every 2...
  13. Are you OK/Happy with PAYING for new and interesting Generals?

    I personally am...they have to make money somewayas long as the generals ARE BALANCED because if they are not everyone will leave and I'll just buy a PS4 and this whole thing will crash like a King Raptor to a swarm of quad cannons :P It should be get maybe a different aircraft and...
  14. Einheitenvorstellung Would you have liked to see this in the game?

    I would of! While I am whinging there were barely any new units in Uprising you would of thought that they could of even patched/ported them into the original Red Alert 2. I LOVE RA3 but it feels like it will go down as a game that was very under appreciated. It didn't fulfil it's...
  15. Can I speak English?

    JA? NEIN? I am using Google translate and finding the site to be a great information source for Command & Conquer 2013
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