Einheitenvorstellung Would you have liked to see this in the game?

Feb 27, 2013

I would of!

While I am whinging there were barely any new units in Uprising you would of thought that they could of even patched/ported them into the original Red Alert 2. I LOVE RA3 but it feels like it will go down as a game that was very under appreciated. It didn't fulfil it's potential...mostly because EA suck.

Which is a shame because it's balanced/fun and more technical than most CNC games.
Uh, thats the Soviet Bomber that is used for Special Powers and such. Its allready in RA3.
wow...my mistake now that I think about you guys are dead right!! I never paid attention to whole drops the radiation lol. So it's drop desolater bomb anything else? Thanks for the heads up
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