bestes TS-team?

looool @ stefor beim deutschredn heh aba kanns eh scho ganz gut =)
lmao, xtrmforce got everything from me u stupid shit, I dont care what he tells u now ur in his gay clan.

U probably think ur the shit now cause ur in rank 1 clan. lolllll <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">
my nick was dennis78
i play TibSun since beginning and i knowed ALL best players/teams, BUT earler i never heard about you.

and yes, mostly good players leaved the game.
mot was never good earler - i killed him february/march 2000 in 1v1 for 10-15 min, so easy.

outlaw was fd-nl newbie <IMG SRC="smilies/rolling_eyes.gif" border="0">

gab, insect/snakemind - all uk newbies earler

i knowed them all, they was good but not so good like now!

i never heard about Sharks from 1-2 years, your clan comes from 4-5 months.

If you were good or visiting ton2, u would know my last clan FOX-HD.

u never saw good german players on terrace? lol?
whats about cnc/clooown? i had nicely mate too in FOX-HD - MarksD, we never lose the games together - killed *BD* too (but only once time). (don't say me now u don't know MarksD - this were completly BS from you)

stefor, wake up <IMG SRC="smilies/drool.gif" border="0">
i am now purery newbie in 2v2 or 1v1, but earler we had rule euro/us server
Defcon/FOX-HD power

c y a

[ 25. August 2001 15:38: Beitrag editiert von: Snake7777 ]
yes and Im the Pope. Read what Im saying in my best german. I said cnscheuer, clooown and warlogin were only good german players in 2v2 on terrace. Need glasses snake?
"but earler we had rule euro/us server
Defcon/FOX-HD power"

yea right lol
take it easy stefor <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
i was more at euroserver than on us, maybe i just never seen some players, but i was not ofter in chatlobby, at most i played not chated <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
Then dont say u owned Euro + US server, cause u didnt. FOX-HD never won the ladder that time
deuce won 4 months, sharks 5, grinko 1 and primo 2.

Which means, 12 clantitles overall.

so hush jonas....
defcon 1x and deejay 1x...

i know it cuz i'm in both clans!!!! deejay is mine <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
old days <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0"> now no real clans anymore.. only clans for 1 month and ppl who change clans every 2 weeks etc im glad to be in rap-1 a clan whats playing for ages hehe
hmm nepi
war defcon net 2* ???
ich erinnere mich in feb oder märz 2000 wo phil und mate das erste mal gg mich und spez gewonnen hatten waren wir glaub ich auch erster.

aber zu dennis frage
bestes deutschsprachige
baby1more und mcdylan
(hab selber das glueck gehabt noch nen monat mit baby zu spielen, nie wieder was besseres gesehen)
lochnessi/spez8472 und mrweber auf ff
waren sie glaub ich mal über 12 wochen ungeschlagen 48 games oder so

phil und matze
aber auch
matze und jonas
jonas und phil
viel nehmen die sich net :-)
bin immer wieder begeistert von den dreien

nen paar bemerkungen noch...

zu matts posting...
is net gemeint matt, aber zu den 3 da oben fehlt uns noch ne menge :-)
seit meiner rückkehr im frühjahr (man was bin ich hier versohlt worden hehe) läufts zwar wieder nun, merk ich aber auch immer wieder das mir auch der ehrgeiz fehlt irgendwie :-( vielleichts liegts am alter ka...

viele von den hier genannten alten doppeln hab ich damals mit c2warrior, unbelief und spez geschlagen, bin da also net so überzeugt von, soll jetzt net heissen die waren schlecht.

aber 2 bemerkungen noch zu zwei doppeln bzw. spielern weils mich damals immer genervt hat...
sudi (huhuhuhu nevo) und snake
snake du hattest mir zuoft graphikkarten ausfall wenn ihr am loosen wart hehe.
und clooowwn war der gröste reconn künstler den ich kenne bei deuce.
ich kann mich alleine an 3-4 spiele mir spez erinnern wo sie geloost haben und grundsätzlich dc kam.

dann cnscheuer es unheimlich wie lange (mrcns hehe) jetzt absolut top ist egal mit welchem mate er ist immer gut.
seit anfang vom gameist er top ich kenn wenige die das von sich behaupten koennen.

crunshdie und scorpion waren mies im doppel
crunshdie war superfair und sauber
scorpion hat damals defcon kaputt gemacht mit seinem scheiss gecheate *grumpf*

weltweite doppels
naturlich stef - scarab
froside - bluepanda
insectx - mit seinem mate (weiss gerade net wie er heist)
bin aber net so drin mit den heros vom ton2
80% der leute scheint da nur jew ***** (das wort wird in * gesetzt wetten?) and gay sagen zukönnen ist net meine welt hehe
nur deppen.

warlogin war wahrscheinlich der beste spieler
sowohl einzel als auch doppel.
"mit beste mein ich komplex"
konnt alles spielen, jede map, viele taktiken die heut noch standard sind.
falls er das hier liest grüsst ihn die fischgräte ausm norden hehe (weiss eigentlich einer wo er steckt?)

und vergesst mir xsublime net
egal ob für bootess oder fdnl er war im doppel immer ne macht.

und erinnert sich hier noch einer an die veterans???
veteran1 und veteran2 die waren der hammer auf ff aug - oktober 2000.

das wars traum
(wie macht ihr das immer hihi???)

member of defcon / maodi leader of d*team(dreamteam)

jo sieht gut aus hehe
@cnc bist blos neidisch, weil du genau weisst das ich mit new alle gefickt haben, MEHRMALS die du nie gefickt hast?

now lemme type in english coz ***** stef is here, and he prob know that i dont like him as a human anymore since he always surr games vs us coz lag, BUT WHAT hes saying is absolutely the truth, these PLAYER were in the top clans which won the ladder, means they are the best players.but i would say fro, insect bombu WUNDER, y stef u dont admin anymore that wunder&Xtrm were always able to rape u and insect eh? <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
PPL woh played 1 year ago dont ****ing count in the best list, coz 1 year ago ppl didnt knew the best BO etc.
AND i would say i JUST COUNT PPL WIHCH CAN RUSH, ppl like stef, fro, bombu, wunder, insect, scar, X, quas etc THEY CAN RUSH, ppl like dachs or another german player only go long game, i dont tihkn u need much skills for it, they make sure that they wont die after one disr, then they send disr and titans, and that shit can defend almost nobody, u rush them, they have 20 titans, u rape nothing, then u die.
and stef is saying that he doesnt know any good german players, just cns, i wouild say dachschaf and stefros is also good, aonther germans only go D.

me and new raped all, just i never won 2v2 clangame vs STEFOR, coz we never played lol, LAG, i just dont know why he played vs me and another mates, IN SAME lag i was just a newb, so he say ok, lets play in lag, im 100% sure that we win, lol, then he would play lmao.
OBI says mot and gab sucks now, lol, how u know haha sure they suck coz they dont play anymore, in the times when gab and mot X etc were playing everyday nobody were able to rape them, just sharks, sharks or mutiny(still) were winning the ladder always.
cnc, das game gegen uns als du mit techno, ihr hättet verloren, das weisst du also stfu
correction: [sup] isnt best clan atm.

and insyder: "wunder and xtrm always owned me and insect" ??
whats that, a joke?

They beat us once, wow, we raped x all the time in both 1v1 and 2v2. Why do u think he never came on anymore, cause he was pissed he couldnt win anymore. And btw; wunder never been elite, so I dont really understand why u put that guy on ur list of best players.
jo traum gute posting <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
alle andere hier gehen schon ziemlich daneben

und diese aussage von stefor bringt mich ständig zum lachen "we raped them all the time" lol
i can just link to the topic in the ts forum where i talk bout stefor hehe

well we won last month and im sure we will win thiy month with sup
and u also know me obi and matze in a 3 - man - clan rocked be4... and we can also kick ur ass stefor thats not the problem any more..
but as u know it u just only play b vs top if u r bottom or l vs r... x is not ok and top if u r top u surr... well i just know we r the best clan at moment hihi
"we" .... and at insyder.... when we had the meeting at jonas... matze and me and jonas and me played gab and mot 4 times in a row... first game , lupo and obi got raped by disrrush and menrush ... in the 2 next games i played with obi and just cos lupo and alex(just watched) said that this must b a cheat and so i made their tac.. and they also repeated their rush but my one was faster and i def. the disrs... well and in regame again... so what u sa?? we also won them in a long game and i know that we 3 have a positive stats vs them and insy and newbielief.... count all games where me and obi and matze played u and newbielief.... count them and tell the ppl how many we won for every lose we got....
that stats is like 4-1 and u just say newbie cos u couldnt handle this bo we did... well and after we has an agument in the UF and TS u said i would lose at least 3 games of the 4 games that we did.... and...... ...... we did every possible game nod gdi and spots ...) and u won no game and then u still called me nebwie... i dont really know what ur problem is hehe
well so long. and no more..

stef u r not the cream de la cream of ts ... and u never was ... was u?

( i still dont say i was...) just fot the correctness

ciao phil
well dachziege, (or phill whatever ur name is)

how bout u find ur best mate in sup and play me n chron in a l vs r on terrace?
We'll who wins ok? If u dont dare or "dont want to play" learn to stfu.

I remember u and dachschaf or obiwaaaann turning down like 400 games vs us in DEUCE or sharks-period. Its like 4 months ago that u guys learned how to inf/titan rush on terrace 4 refs lol.

Ur ego is far 2 big dude. If this board was visited by more Dutch or American players people, u couldnt say shit cause everyone knows they all own u. SO I JUST LAUGH AT U THINKING UR THE SHIT!
LOL <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">

btw: suworow is a better german player then u obi or dachschaf) <IMG SRC="smilies/drool.gif" border="0">
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