Imba Spiele-Soundtrack & Remixe

Megaman 2 is the bomb on music. But oh don't let maggot hear those 8 bit sounds he would be quite mad. Dr wily stage 1-2 owns all.

Here a remix from it used in the arcade Megaman 2: The Power Fighters. Too few bits for maggotfool of course.
that theme is truly the win. As is the Zelda overworld theme.. and ofc Tetris
the only other tracks that really creep me out are Edea's & Sephiroth's theme (or was it Jenova's?)
I like Nullsleep - Supernova Kiss for jogging, gives quite a boost :D
Zelda overworld is nice yes. From A Link to the Past I enjoyed both light and dark overworld themes a lot. Of course the first two Zeldas also had those nice old school sounds to it. Zelda 2 a crapgame had a nice tune for the dungeon.

Here a remix from that song used in Brawl so little maggot does not get to angry,
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Hab den Thread mal umbenannt, ihr könnt jetzt auch Originale posten, aber bitte nicht zuviel auf einmal, lieber über eine längere Zeit.

Ich mach mal weiter... Hmm damn Youtube hat grad nix von dem was ich posten wollte... Egal dann was anderes, der wohl bekannteste Track aus "Age of Wonders", der das Spiel wohl am besten beschreibt ^^
(Love and Death by Michiel van den Bos - Original (klassisch))​
Age of Wonders Soundtrack ist ganz cool, gefällt mir :)
Gelten nur Konsolentitel :o?
I have always been a sucker for boss music.

This game was overall a bad rpg but the boss music still reminds me of one of the best of that time. Game is final fantasy mystic quest.

This however was a great not well known rpg from the snes know as Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals. I simply love the sinistral battle theme.

Star Wolf theme also remains of my favorite songs of all time. I talk about the original one of the n64, I also have always this song on Brawl. I used also a while the assualt one but the original is just better in my opinion.

Waiting for the freezy rage of old bit music, go you sucka :D.
Jo der Dire Dire Docks Remix ist sehr nice, thx :D

Halo3 hat auch totale imba epische Musik, hier mal paar nette Tracks davon:
(Ending / Roll Call / Duty Bound-Price Paid by Martin O'Donnel / Michael Salvatory - klassisch/episch, etwas rock)​
(Finish The Fight by Martin O'Donnel / Michael Salvatori - klassisch/episch, etwas rock)​
(The Ark / Behold a Pale Horse / Reconciled / Overcome / Small Victory by Martin O'Donnel / Michael Salvatori - klassisch/episch, etwas rock)​
congratz, sounds nice to me :p
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