Kommt der Switch der BW Pros?

Nov 5, 2006
Auf TL brodeln seit Tagen die Gerüchteküche. So steht die BW Proszene angeblich vor dem langerwarteten Switch auf SC2. Ausgelöst wurde dies zuletzte durch die Infos rund um KT Rolster.
On October 25 2011 02:58 Galaxy613 wrote:
Apparently the specs for Broodwar just went up.. or is KT Rolster getting ready a new team to play SC2?

KT Rolster starts practicing with Wide Screen monitors now with the most upgraded computers? I wonder why :p http://www.fomos.kr/board/board.php?mode=read&keyno=120822&db=issue&cate=&page=2&field=&kwrd=

From the article: (Crappy Google Translate)
The body of a computer purchased from KT i5 CPU 8 GB of RAM, graphics card is the GTX560 is the latest generation of high-end. In addition, 17-inch CRT monitors were replaced with 24-inch LCD monitor...
(Check the article for pics, they also have Razer mouse pads, I didn't recognize if the actual mouse was Razer too..)

Gangdogyeong coach, "the computer for more than 10,005 years, is using almost six years old, I was to be replaced. As long as it is to buy good I think we had set as its own high-end. Not decent players after the practice has been replaced with state-of-the-art computer environment gaeseondwae greatly pleased, "he said.

I can understand the need to upgrade a 6 year old computer, but getting a freaking GTX560 in each? 8GB of RAM? There is something to be said for having a fast computer for your use, but if this isn't for getting ready for SC2 or some other 3D game, then I think it's overly extravagant for Brood War pros, unless they REALLY wanted to play Deus Ex:HR in their free time. :P

Zur Aufrüstsession bei KT passt auch das sich fOrGG im ersten Anlauf direkt in Code A gespielt hat (siehe: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=279495). Nun mehren sich die Anzeichen für eine SC2 statt BW Proleague immer mehr:
On October 28 2011 18:22 Clefairy wrote:
Source: Fomos

It is known that all current BW teams excluding one have begun practicing SC2 in preparation for the next season of the Proleague. The reason they haven't made it public is because KeSPA hasn't made any official statements about the next season yet. The BW teams are not opposed to SC2.

Most BW scene officials now say that "If existing progamers made the switch to SC2, they will be able to show skill worthy of their name value".

Team A said they begun practicing SC2 3 weeks ago:
"It's a situation where we can't not prepare for SC2 so we are continuously practicing. As there is a good system in place where everyone watches each others matches and shares information their skill is increasing rapidly. They are still far beneath the players who had started playing since SC2's release, but an official from a SC2 team we had practiced with recently told us that 'It's unbelievable how these players could get to this skill level in just 2 weeks'".

Team B is also considering SC2:
"If it was a game with a completely different genre it wouldn't be the case, but our team's progamers are conditioned for RTS games. Things like creating builds, coming up with solutions for certain situations and other knowledge doesn't just disappear, so players who were good at BW will also be good at SC2."

Team C also said:
"After making them practice, the named players have been able to show similar skill in SC2. Compared to BW, SC2 also has a shorter play time so players have actually been able to practice even more than they did previously".

Most player opinions were that:
"The more I play the faster I adapt. At the very least it doesn't feel any harder than BW".

BW Champions, players A and B are also the top players at SC2 within their teams:
"We are practicing while watching GSL matches. If we start for real I think we'll be able to become top players soon".

An official said:
"Most players seemed to naturally get to the master league. The real problem will probably be after that but as they gain experience they will progress exponentially".

However a well known progamer had some concerns about fairness:
"In our team's case we haven't started practicing SC2 yet. If the proleague opens and we need to play SC2, the gap between the teams who had already begun practicing will inevitably become larger".

All that is left is for KeSPA to hurry and make an official statement on SC2 in the proleague. A lot of progamers are showing confidence after practicing SC2, but KeSPA will also need to take these fairness concerns into account.

A coach from an existing SC2 team said:
"Even on our side, the fact that we don't know whether SC2 will be included in the proleague either is one of the biggest issues. The well known players in pro teams have a good mindset and a lot of know-how so I'm sure if they put in the effort they will do well".

Players in the GSL are also interested in how TaekBangLeeSsang will do in SC2 and they hope that negotiations go well:
"We're happy about there being more SC2 players, but we hope that talks between KeSPA and Gretech turn out well and that it results in a league where we can compete together. With the possibility of growing eSports being extremely high, we need to go in a direction where everyone can benefit. We will observe the situation that follows earnestly".

STX, CJ and SK all change their equipment
Picture: Fomos

STX changed their equipment before even KT. SK Telecom changed their equipment early this year. CJ also changed their equipment recently.

STX Specs:
Monitor: 24 Inch LED Monitor
CPU: Intel Core i7


Video of Flash in rehabilitation center: http://vimeo.com/31241872
He says that KT installed a PC in the rehabilitation center for him to practice on and that he feels that his skill hasn't deteriorated after playing a few games. So he is able to play games while recovering. He's not worried about his arm and he feels he'll return faster than expected.

Wenn sich die Gerüchte bewahrheiten, dann steht uns ggf. ein völlig neues SC2 Erlebnis ins Haus. Flash & Co in SC2 wäre der absolute Hammer und wäre ideal zum Launch von HotS. Da sich die KeSPA und Blizz auch geeinigt haben stünde dem wohl nix im Weg. Ob es dann eine weitere koreanische SC2 Liga gibt (die KeSPA kann Gom nich ab) oder die KeSPA direkt das Szepter übernimmt wird sich zeigen müssen.
Ich fände den Switch eigentlich nur dann interessant, wenn diese Spieler dann auch ausserhalb von Korea zu sehen wären.
Sprich wenn die sich nicht nur an der GSL oder etwaige Proligen beteiligen. Na ja, mal schauen was wird.
naja, bei boxer hat´s ja auch nur mäßig funktioniert... bin mal gespannt. aber es würde starcraft noch ein stück größer machen und das ist nie schlecht.
Boxer spielt auch net soviel wie andere Pros .
Boxer kümmert sich viel mehr um Community sachen und Coached nebenbei noch . Da wird wohl einiges an Zeit verloren gehen die er net practised ;)
Freu mich schon hoffentlich passierts auch so ;)
Wir reden hier von aktuell aktiven Pros und nicht von Pros die extra wieder aktiv geworden sind.
Ja cool, so muss das.

Hoffendlich sehen wir bald Jaedong und so wie sie alle gegenwärtigen Pro's verkloppen, wäre bestimmt lusting. =D
würde mich auch mal freuen wenns neue gesichter gibt und neue taktiken, skiller und ideen gibt
Früher oder Später werden alle auf SC2 wechseln. Broodwar hat seinen Zenit schon längst überschritten wenn ihr mich fragt, das Spiel ist einfach so Stein alt.
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