Never ending ccup final game.

Apr 1, 2006
If you didnt watch yesterdays stream i recommend this game think it was pretty nice back and forth with some comebacks.


  • game 4 vs
    279.2 KB · Views: 30
you lose for two times your mcv right ?

the excellent mcv + hammers + twins + bullfrogs push with great micro brings for you the win (timing was absolutly correct)
Yea lose and rebuild mcv twice and am pretty sure that i made my crane more then once aswell^^.
yeah i think you crushed your mcv and 20 sec later duelon kicked your crane :D

was a pretty nice game from both players and in my eyes you played a perfect game without mistakes
i saw that match live. - it was one of the best i ve ever seen. maybe t is probably the best replay - the guys from say the same - you really showed that sovs are stronger than empire :)

@ clickz: though technique played a damn good match - someone who loses his mcv 2 or 3 times (dont exactly remember) does NOT play a perfect game without mistakes - sorry :p

nevertheless i d give u 11/10 ;)
it was a perfect game, if he does not loses his mcv, he loses something else
so it does not matter

and btw you can not prevent that you lose no unit against a player such dueolon
Also an sich fand ich das Match super, Technique rockt in Ra3 wie er es in YR tat( nur ohne mh. ;D) nocantdoooo

Round one - FIGHT!
East vs West - Junker vs Swiatloch höööö
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