Wonder if anyone will ever see this or respond.....what great times these were back then...but 1999 early 2000 was the real deal.
Just so everyone gets it clear coming from 1 of 20 players who got to play the game before anyone else.
TNBz *The nasty boyz* - is the best 2on2 team ever to set foot on TS soil. They won the first 4 months of the game in 1on1 and 2on2 rankings with 3 total losses then quit the game. All the best prizes for the game happened in those months. They were old school generation pro gamers getting free shit like me scarab0, doomjudge, moocowww, drako and jungo9 got.
2nd - scarab0 and jungo9 i think? Maybe he played with drako or moo more I forget, but Mirage won clan race every month but botess was always on our rear.
3rd - Moocowww and xtrmforce
They made the strats you guys used
All the pro strats were developed by the nasty boyz, scarab0, moocowww, xtrm and def botess players like botess, ajw26, chrodarc, gotenks33 and some others I cant think of....
I will wait to see if anyone sees this
Wonder what everyone is doing now in life. If noone knows, scarab0 is RET, starcraft 2 pro gamer.
Take care