Dragon Age

Erster Trailer

Varric am Anfang? Cassandra in der Mitte und Morrigan am Ende.
Die Burg zwischendurch erinnert auch stark an die Burg aus dem Film Dawn of the Seeker (also dann Orlais?)

Müssen uns wohl noch bis 2014 gedulden.
Soll ausschließlich für PC und NextGen Konsolen kommen.
Die sollen sich mehr an Game of Thrones orientieren :P

Dragon Age 1 hat mich stark an Game of Thrones errinert ^^
Finde den Screenshot wenig beeindruckend. Bitte nicht wieder Copy Paste NPCs. Das nervt echt und muss heutzutage echt nimma sein -_-.
Ansonsten zeigt der Screenshot halt gar nichts. Gesichtszüge wären interessant gewesen. Nach The Last of Us muss ich sagen habe ich echt hohe Erwartungen, wenn auf der PS3 sowas möglich ist :D
Ich find die Designs total scheiße bis auf die Eisenhüte im vorletzten Bild.
Na ja, soll ja erst 2014 iwann kommen. Kann man ja dann noch von Alpha Screenshots sprechen und das hoffentlich in Sachen Umgang mit FB3.0 einiges nachgebessert wird.
Aber zum gutem Marketing trägt der scheiss jetzt nicht bei :D
Hmmm. Ich hab jetzt die taktische Ansicht nie gebraucht. Hoffe aber trotzdem nicht, dass es so ein sinnlos haudrauf wie DA2 wird.
Ich fand die taktische Ansicht echt gut. Vorallem, als ichs auf Nightmare durchgespielt hab.
Spätestens ab da braucht man die. :D
Aus dem Neogaf geklaut. Lesen auf eigene Gefahr (aber eigentlich keine Spoiler, nur die Erklärung warum der Teil zB Inquisition heißt)

- BioWare listened to feedback on previous games
- “A lot of the decisions we’re making are about Dragon Age and what this generation of RPGs will look like.”


- Game begins as Thedas is in chaos
- Chantry and the mages are at war
- The Seekers of the Truth and Templars are no longer tied to Chantry rule
- Ferelden continues to recover from the darkspwan Blight that ended 10 years ago
- Orlais is involved with a civil war
- Tear in the sky links the real world to the Fade
- Magic and demons come from Fade
- Rip allows demons to cross freely instead of using a mage host
- Demons/abominations are running free all over
- With everything going on, “there is a suspicious level of chaos in anticipation of this event”
- Reinstitute the Inquisition
- This is an organization that doesn’t answer to any outside power
- Inquisition puts aside politics and extracts answers
- “…about looking into what conspiracies happen, what kind of dastardly deeds could occur, when people are weak and naturally torn apart”


- Your hero acts as the head of the Inquisition
- Lead the organization rather than controlling a foot soldier
- You’re left as the only survivor early on, which leads to this ascension
- Create and guide the Inquisitor however you please
- 3 classes: warrior, rogue, and mage
- At least 3 races: human, elf, dwarf
- No pre-set name
- Fully voiced
- Can be male/female
- Events take place as you perform them, not being relayed by another character
- Will need to overcome resistance, but this becomes easier as the Inquisition gains more power/respect
- Inquisition’s reputation/strength go up as you finish objectives, gain items, help others


- Inquisition has a long reach
- Visit multiple large locations
- Several different regions
- Structural style like Dragon Age: Origins
- Access key story beats by reaching certain levels of power
- Explore to achieve that power
- Collect magical relics, solve mysteries, fight dragons, help others
- Don’t need to do everything
- Different resources to acquire better equipment and continue the story
- Won’t always be able to move from one area to another seamlessly
- “each of the areas we’re building is larger than anything we’ve built before”
- No repetitive environments
- Areas include a bog, desert, mountain range, can be explored freely in third-person
- Can take on unique quests by coming across things like an arcane device that lets you pinpoint the location of magic items
- Locations are like self-contained open worlds
- Each has a bunch of items to find and content to experience during day and night
- Game will have a mount system
- This will be more involved than just riding a horse around
- Very little is scaled to your level
- Can encounter monsters that are much more powerful than you
- Freedom is big, but BioWare as a story to tell


- Huge areas are made possible due to the move to Frostbite
- “We’re very happy with what we can do with the technology.”
- Will have some destructibility, game has a bigger focus on building
- Having a mage allows you to reassemble a crumbled footbridge to reach a new area
- Convert a ruined desert outpost into an Inquisition stronghold
- “If you destroy something, you can construct something.”
- Frostbite 3 allows the team to develop more easily on five platforms at once
- Better visuals on PS4/Xbox One than PS3/360
- Content being kept the same
- “Frostbite 3 is intended to bridge the gap between current-gen and next-gen”


- Will be optimized for the platform
- “The PC actually is different, especially from a controls standpoint.”
- Caters to mouse and keyboard, unlike its predecessor’s tradition


- Will encounter lots of resistance
- Battle pace lies between Dragon Age 1/2
- Not always a pause-and-play affair, but not always filled with tons of action
- Directly control a character and you’ll notice control similarities to Dragon Age II
- Switch between all characters in your party at will
- Choose AI behaviors for allies if you’d like
- Commands are performed right away with a button push
- BioWare looking to make things less frantic and more deliberate
- Slowing down the speed of attacks while also creating enemies that force players to examine the battlefield
- “We’ve got that mesh of action and RPG.”
- Enemies have specialized roles that work together
- Better AI for enemies
- Enemies seem to make planned attacks based on their strengths and work together logically
- Players have a number of skill trees, specializations, abilities
- Classes have their own powers with tactical significance
- Party members can work together

More world details

- Areas will change based on what time it is
- Weather impacts exploration
- Rain can make a bog muddy, making travel slower
- Still has classic enemies including ogres, elves, qunari


- Dialogue/story sequences are the best way to learn about your allies and their abilities
- This can also be done to a lesser extent in battle
- Vivienne: Inquisitor mage who was in line to hold the position of first encharter in the Circle of Orlais
- She wasn’t able to take the osition due to the Orlesian civil war
- Writers analyze the story’s main themes and conflicts, then create certain characters around them
- Not all characters are created so that you’ll like them
- Other allies and their loyalties are currently unknown
- Learn early on that there’s someone behind the demon breach and resulting chaos
- Won’t learn who you’re dealing with early on
- Cassandra and Varric from Dragon Age II are playable party members
- Morrigan won’t be a party member
- Morrigan’s role seems to be more than just a cameo

Crafting system

- Use materials from around the world and enemies you defeat to make customized armor
- “Crafting in Inquisition is about customizing yourself, your character, your looks…”
- You can, technically, eventually create any colored version of the armor your start out with on par with what you find late in the game
- Characters will keep their look, but the armor will have huge influence on how they look


- Will need to make choices as problems develop
- Not always about dark choices
- BioWare is looking for players to think about potential consequences and deal with them if they happen
- Dialogue wheel similar to that of Dragon age II lets you make choices
- Some improvements
- Optional addition being added to the wheel for more clarity
- Choices have an impact throughout the world
- “Loose ends are a constant problem… We have a responsibility to resolve at least some of them if we’re going to introduce new ones…”
- Choices involve themes, mysteries from previous Dragon Age games
- Game will offer clarity on things such as Red Lyrium, Grey Wardens’ activities, Flemeth, Morrigan’s fate
- BioWare working on the issue of bringing over previous choices in Inquisition
- “It’s very important to people, and it’s very important to us. We don’t want people to feel like they can’t buy a new console or change the platform they’re buying this game on simply because they want to make sure their saves are maintained.”


- Not confirmed/denied
- “it was surprising how well it was received in Mass Effect, and we were really happy with how that worked out…”
Okay, einen Inquisitor zu spielen finde ich extrem stylisch @_@. Kann man hoffentlich herrlich böse sein @_@
schon wieder ein "Full Month of Gameinformer Coverage (Hype)" ala Skyrim.

Momentan finde ich das gezeigte Bildmaterial wenig spektakulär. Da kommt sicherlich noch was nach.
Ob man mit Witcher 3 optisch mithalten kann, wird sich zeigen.

Inhaltlich sehe ich bei Dragon Age auch Probleme.
Klar die Story, das Setting und die Entscheidungen sind toll.
Immergleiche Monster, Levels mit Baukastencharme, generische Dungeons ohne Rätsel, fehlende Real World Simulation,
fehlende Konsequenzen bei Diebstahl etc. pp. weniger.

Ich will das Bioware nicht nur seine Stärken ausspielt, sondern endlich auch mal bei den Schwächen was macht.
Neues zum Kampfsystem:


Also wenn da noch en taktische Ansicht kommt fress ich nen Besen. Wirkt eher wie Witcher oder Mass Effect als DA1, eigentlich sogar DA2. Ich verstehe beim besten Willen nicht wie die sagen können das wäre das Beste von DA1 und DA2...
Glaube kaum das ne Taktische Ansicht kommt. Die Taktik definieren sie in den Gegnern, die halt besondere Fähigkeiten oder Ausrüstung haben. Wird wohl eher in Witcher / Dark Souls gehen das Kampfsystem. Mal schaun, wie sich das mit den Begleiter vereinbaren lässt. Denke mal ne Pausenfunktion wirds trotzdem geben. Ich persönlich werde die, wie gesagt, taktische Ansicht net vermissen. Ich schau dem ganzen noch recht positiv gegenüber. Außer dem schwachen DA2 hab ich bisher alle Bioware Games geliebt.
TOR lass ich mal außen vor, das hat mir zwar gefallen als SP, aber konnte halt mit der MMO Mechanik nix anfangen.
meint ihr die taktische Ansicht von Oben ? hab bei Dragon Age Origins nie die ganz rausgezoomte Kamera genutzt. Viel zu wenig Überblick man sieht quasi fast direkt auf den Boden, ich hab die Kamera lieber so eingestellt das ich meinen Charackter von hinten sehe und somit konnte ich weiter nach vorn draußen schauen. Erst bei Kämpfen hab ich bisschen weiter rausgezoomt aber auch nicht zu stark.
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