Renegade X - September Prerelease Update

Jun 24, 2008

Die erste Betaversion von Renegade X oder auch version 0.35 genannt wird wie geplant am 30 September zum download freigegeben. Die Versionsbezeichnung 0.35 ist vom Entwicklungsstand abgeleitet, und bedeutet das die Mod schon zu 35% fertiggestellt ist!
Es kursiert außerdem ein Gerücht dass Sammler auch Fahrbar sind .^^

Ein Podcast vom Entwicklerteam steht hier zum Download bereit.

Es wird auch ein kleines Videotuturial geben für Spieler die mit dem Command & Conquer mode noch nicht vertraut sind.









Für die kommenden Releases könnt ihr euch folgendes Erwarten.


-Apache Helicopter
-Transport Helicopters
-Surface to Surface Missile Launcher (custom map and/or server side option)
-Recon Bike (custom map and/or server side option)
-GDI Gunboat (custom maps)
-A-10 (custom maps)


-Basic Rocket Launcher (rocket officer)
-Chem Sprayer
-Tiberium Autorifle
-Sniper Rifle (basic)
-Laser chaingun
-Tiberium Flechette
-Volt Autorifle
-Railgun model
-Airstrike beacon (server side option)


-Many more remakes, such as Under, Walls, and Volcano, coming soon!
-Custom Renegade X maps that we plan on creating. Our own original designs with special features!


-Repair Pads


-C&C mode will be expanded as more and more of the mod is released
-Command & Capture (C&C/CTF hybrid)
-World Domination

Weiter Features:

-Free Aim
-Radio Commands
-Customizable mine limit
-Customizable vehicle limit
-Tech levels
-Drivable Harvesters
-Growing Tiberium & Tiberium Trees (custom maps)
-Passenger chainguns on transport choppers
-Server bot
-Ingame AI specialized for C&C mode
-Visual Dirt & Damage accumulation system for heavily used or heavily damaged vehicles
-Crates (customizable for server hosts)
-Jukebox for Renegade X music
-And much more!

Das Komplette Englishe Update ist im Spoiler angehängt
(NE)Fobby(GEN) said:

Welcome to the second pre-release Renegade X update. Here we are, only a few days away from our first release.

Are you ready?

This update contains a lot of important pre-release information. I would recommend reading it in its entirety - it's a bit lengthy, but definitely worth your time if you are interested in this mod!

Contents in this update:

1. Renegade X: Beta Version 0.35
2. September '09 Podcast
3. Renegade X Ingame Screenshots
4. "How to Play" information post available!
5. Guest Event Feedback
6. List of Content to be added after first release
7. Unreal Tournament 3 Sales

September 30th is quickly approaching!

That's right! As we announced in our previous update, the first release will be available on September 30th 2009, which is just a few days away. For future reference, the incoming beta version will be referred to by us as both the Renegade X Beta 1 or Renegade X Beta Version 0.35. The expression "0.35" is the version number, and it is there to emphasize that the first release is an early version of the mod - about "35%" of what our final release will be in terms of content.

If you're wondering what kind of content we're planning on adding, there is a list later in this post. After the 0.35 release, we will be steadily adding more weapons, vehicles, maps, modes, animations, and more! We also plan on fixing any possible glitches and unbalances we may run into as the mod is played in its beta state.

September '09 Podcast:

We've got a new podcast for you guys. In this edition, Fobby, Havoc89, and Avalanche discuss several topics, including:

-September 30th Release
-Future Releases
-Renegade X Server Client
-Work opportunities for animators and character artists
-And of course, our usual jokes here and there

Download the podcast today by clicking the following link!


Here's some screenshots our beta testers have taken throughout testing the mod:









How to Play

We'll be releasing a video tutorial on release day, but for those of you who don't know too much about Renegade X's game mode Command & Conquer mode, or are simply rusty, the following "how to play" walk-through will definitely help you on your way.

Guest Event Feedback!

Last week, the Renegade X invited some special guests from around the community for an opportunity to try an early version of the Renegade X v0.35 beta build. Some of these guests that came included 2POC, who is the "second in command" community manager at EALA, RyanTheHeretic from Planet CNC, Arnyswart of Exodus, and Chris Pham from FilePlanet. Fortunately, these three special guests gave positive feedback after trying Renegade X. Here's what some of them had to say:

2POC ( I was very impressed with how detailed the maps were, and how true they were to the originals. I think that's going to make modding people very excited... I'm sure a lot of people haven't played Renegade in a while and I know they're going to boot this game up and they're going to remember everything from the original. They'll get that nostalgic feeling, only a lot better, because the graphics for this are ten times better... I'm gonna try to definitely get a lot of them
to play it, because I know a lot of them were Renegade fans, so if we get time when we're not working, I'm sure we can get some of them to play. That would be awesome. I've been looking forward to this mod for a while, I mean it's the only reason why I bought Unreal Tournament :P I'm sure there are others that work here that are excited as well.

Chris Pham ( Gameplay was fun, and when we had 8-9 people on each side playing it was exciting... I must say Totem Art's mod creation not only matches the original game studio but even surpasses it in some departments...Renegade-X just looks banging. This mod is leaps and bounds much better looking than the original game with all the vehicle, units, weapons, and maps looking and feeling like the genuine deal but with a good facelift. The special effects, physics, and sounds of the vehicles, gun fire, and explosions are all upgrade and make a definite impact. Renegade-X has no problem making a good first impression.

RyanTheHeretic ( I've been waiting to play Renegade X ever since it was announced. Thankfully, the wait has been worth it. Sure, it's not the finished deal, but it's a damn good recreation of Renegade and an extremely well put together piece of work. The graphics are fantastic (have I mentioned how SWEET the MLRS looks when it fires?) and the gameplay is just as good as Renegade was, if not better thanks to the Unreal engine. It's updated enough to feel like a good use of my HDD space, but classic enough to remind me why I loved Renegade so much to begin with. Consider me impressed.

Arnyswart ( The Renegade X developers have recreated the “feel” of renegade but with an advanced gameplay engine which gives it the edge of modern games. Players can “rush” and destroy buildings, drive vehicles and battle it out on the field or grab a sniper and have some infantry action. The possibilities of this game are endless.I just have two words, “Brilliant Job”.

List of Content to be added after first release:

As you all know, the September 30th release is a new beginning for the Renegade X mod. It is the first of hopefully many public updates to the current build. That also means it does not have everything. So, what could you expect for the next releases? I've prepared a quick list, and let me tell you, there is much more to see for Renegade X in the future.

*NOTE: This list is not final, and does not represent our official plan for future builds. This is just meant to give you all an idea of what we want in the mod in the future.*


-Apache Helicopter
-Transport Helicopters
-Surface to Surface Missile Launcher (custom map and/or server side option)
-Recon Bike (custom map and/or server side option)
-GDI Gunboat (custom maps)
-A-10 (custom maps)


-Basic Rocket Launcher (rocket officer)
-Chem Sprayer
-Tiberium Autorifle
-Sniper Rifle (basic)
-Laser chaingun
-Tiberium Flechette
-Volt Autorifle
-Railgun model
-Airstrike beacon (server side option)


-Many more remakes, such as Under, Walls, and Volcano, coming soon!
-Custom Renegade X maps that we plan on creating. Our own original designs with special features!


-Repair Pads

Game Modes:

-C&C mode will be expanded as more and more of the mod is released
-Command & Capture (C&C/CTF hybrid)
-World Domination

Features to Come:

-Free Aim
-Radio Commands
-Customizable mine limit
-Customizable vehicle limit
-Tech levels
-Drivable Harvesters
-Growing Tiberium & Tiberium Trees (custom maps)
-Passenger chainguns on transport choppers
-Server bot
-Ingame AI specialized for C&C mode
-Visual Dirt & Damage accumulation system for heavily used or heavily damaged vehicles
-Crates (customizable for server hosts)
-Jukebox for Renegade X music
-And much more!

We thank you all for following the mod for so long, but keep in mind, we're not done! The Renegade X development team will be here, pumping out patches and release candidates as time passes by. There's still quite a bit left to do on our part, but we plan on continuing the fulfillment of our promises!

Unreal Tournament 3 for cheap!

It is very important that you pick up Unreal Tournament 3 for this mod. Without it, you won't be able to play Renegade X. The good news is, you can pick it up for really cheap.

*Steam is selling Unreal Tournament 3 for as low as $8.00 USD!
*Amazon is selling Unreal Tournament 3 for $19.79!
*You can also buy it off eBay for just a few dollars!

Generally speaking, you can find UT3 for 9-15 USD in most local game stores. So, if you don't have the game yet, what are you waiting for? Buy one cheap game, and get the mod for free.

That's all for now. Be sure to check out and on September 30th to pick up Renegade X Beta Version 0.35

It will be a Wednesday, so expect the mod download to go up sometime in the middle of the day eastern time (GMT -5). If you live in a timezone far ahead of EST, the mod will be available to you on the morning of October 1st.

As for servers, we will be talking about that on our release post. We will have 2 US servers available and 1 UK server on September 30th, ready for the release. We will also have at least 4 download clients available for you all.

See you on September 30th!

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Klingt wie immer top, mit den späteren Releases wird Renegade X dann insgesamt auch umfangreicher als das erste Renegade, also ein würdiger Nachfolger :)

EA 2Poc hat es unter anderem auch schon angetestet und sagt folgendes:

I was very impressed with how detailed the maps were, and how true they were to the originals. I think that's going to make modding people very excited... I'm sure a lot of people haven't played Renegade in a while and I know they're going to boot this game up and they're going to remember everything from the original. They'll get that nostalgic feeling, only a lot better, because the graphics for this are ten times better... I'm gonna try to definitely get a lot of them
to play it, because I know a lot of them were Renegade fans, so if we get time when we're not working, I'm sure we can get some of them to play. That would be awesome. I've been looking forward to this mod for a while, I mean it's the only reason why I bought Unreal Tournament :P I'm sure there are others that work here that are excited as well.
Mit wievielen Online-SPielern kann man in so etwa rechnen? Vielleicht so erfolgreich wie FH2 oder Insurgency? Wahrscheinlich weniger denke ich mal, da Source und BF2 Games viel verbreiter sind als UT3 :(
Nur auf UF hab ich darüber nun was gelesen...andere Seiten (z.B. Game-Magazine) erwähnen diese Mod mit keinem Ton

Bevor ich mir UT3 Retail kaufe und in Steam eintragen lasse, hätt ich gerne eure Spekulationen gewusst. :)

Die Screenshots sehen aber wirklcih vielversprechend aus. Muss man schon sagen. ^^

PS: Weiss einer wieso man sich für die Unreal3- und nicht für die CryEngine 2 entschieden hat?
Weil im Vergleich ein ziemlich dickerer Batzen von Leuten UT3 hat
Mit wievielen Online-SPielern kann man in so etwa rechnen? Vielleicht so erfolgreich wie FH2 oder Insurgency? Wahrscheinlich weniger denke ich mal, da Source und BF2 Games viel verbreiter sind als UT3 :(
Nur auf UF hab ich darüber nun was gelesen...andere Seiten (z.B. Game-Magazine) erwähnen diese Mod mit keinem Ton

Bevor ich mir UT3 Retail kaufe und in Steam eintragen lasse, hätt ich gerne eure Spekulationen gewusst. :)

Die Screenshots sehen aber wirklcih vielversprechend aus. Muss man schon sagen. ^^

PS: Weiss einer wieso man sich für die Unreal3- und nicht für die CryEngine 2 entschieden hat?

CryEngine2 gabs beim Anfang der Entwicklung bestimmt noch gar nicht...
Und die Unreal Engine 3 ist nicht so Hardwarehungrig wie die Cry Engine
also ich kauf mir ut morgen zu 100%
das sieht schon so geil aus das macht sicher echt laune :)
jo, muss ich wohl mal den nächsten größeren elektronikmarkt aufsuchen :p
Gut das man Steam nicht haben muss im UT3 zu zocken, das is richtig schön angenehm :)
wird RenX eventuell ein eigenes unterforum bekommen(frage an die admins)?
-> Wenn genug Aktivität entsteht wird das sicherlich zur Sprache kommen
wird RenX eventuell ein eigenes unterforum bekommen(frage an die admins)?

ich wäre froh, wenn sich die leute erstmal bemühen würden, im Shooter-forum zu posten.
eigenes unterforum dort...fraglich...die aktivität ist an sich schon zu gering, renx ist zum beleben grad richtig.

allerdings muss das shooterforum höher und ein hinweis auf die hauptseite, dass dort über renx gesprochen wird.

wird können auch shooter umbenennen in Renegade(X).
hey, wie siehts denn aus, treffen wir uns morgen irgendwo zum zocken?

ich lade euch gern im namen der [GSG9] auf unseren ts ein damit wir gemeinsam antesten können. bei interesse einfach kurz pn, dann gibts die ts daten.

ich freu mich zumindest auf morgen!
k... hat sich erledigt.

muss man das orginal renegade haben um das zu spielen`?
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